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Coming Soon - THE DOGS OF NEWTOWN by Guy A. Bacon

Charlotte's older brother, Guy, has been working on a book of his own. Guy and his 5th grade teacher, Karen King, were working on the final draft this morning. We plan to go to press this summer and the book will be available for the first time at the Charlotte's Litter Walkathon on September 19th.

Our advocacy work for the use of therapy dogs in schools, stems from Charlotte's deep love for dogs but also from Guy's experience with the therapy dogs at Reed Intermediate School in Newtown during the winter and spring of 2013. The project started two years ago while Joel and I were working on Good Dogs, Great Listeners.

Guy said he thought that someone should write a book about the therapy dogs that came to Newtown. It took little encouragement in getting Guy to sit down and start the book himself. The Dogs of Newtown is a tribute book to all the dogs that helped our son and his school. The work of therapy dogs is something to write about!

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